Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Further Notes during Week 6

Laws/regulations: many different government subsidiaries  follow their own laws + legislation and differ from state to state. eg. motor vehicle licensing
 - inconsistent legislation compromises national unity
 - indicates a lack of clarity, consistency, uniformity with enforcement of government regulations

Perception: the average voter buys the image of the candidate, including the symbol they use to represent themselves.
Politicians perceived as: distrustful, adversial, confrontational, insincere, inaccessible
Formalised politics associated with: conflict, cynicism, distrust, and a lack of political authenticity

Traditional ideals vs. contemporary outlook: changing Australian social and cultural landscape
> changing everyday politics
> Indigenous history awareness
> changing demographics - family structure, age structure, demographics
> emergence of information/communication technologies
> labour market, housing affordability, the rise of the individual
> perhaps change nature of 3 tiers of government  - need to acknowledge the local governments, and reform the role of the state governments
> formalised political proceedings lack relevance to the lives of young Australians
> contribute to political decision-making - encourages transparency, articulates relevant principles, reflects perspectives outside political circles to address long term issues (eg. climate change)
> accountability
> nature of formal political institutions is hierarchical and stagnant

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