Sunday, 21 August 2011

Reflection: Political Ideology

What is wrong with parliament?
It seems that the most logical approach is to first define what it is I want to change about the existing parliament. I came to the conclusion that, in a nutshell, it is IDEOLOGY and VALUES that are most skewed with contemporary parliament. Basically, contemporary parliament generally adheres to the outdated and old-fashioned mindset of parliament that existed 100 years ago. If you think about it, their values have remained as static as the Parliament House itself - they are both reflections of the era in which it was created. (Here's a thought: by updating the architecture of Parliament, could we update their mindsets? In a perfect world, yes. In the real world?)
Our two major parties are socially conservative, but in essence, we do not live in a socially conservative society. (Correction, we have to choose between a socially conservative party and a socialist party, although at present the difference is minute.) But what if we had a socially progressive party? Rudd's penchant for embracing market economy was refreshingly contemporary, although this is such a small element in redefining political values towards contemporary society's ideals.

There is a DISCONNECTION between the everyday person and parliament officials.

We need a parliament with a contemporary mindset. One who is aware and in understanding of sustainability and climate change, and who is willing to actively employ and encourage innovation to solve these problems. A parliament that is tolerant of cultural diversity and same sex marriage. Not tied to unions. Secularist (because, let's face it, religious conflict largely dictates the government's adherance to traditionalist values).

Which brings me to thinking, VALUES are VIRTUAL. They are closely tied to PHILOSOPHY and CULTURE. They connect philosophy and culture. And they dictate LAW.

Where previously I had thought there to be two facets of the strategy VIRTUAL (DIGITAL and EXPERIENTIAL), I now feel as if there is a third: SOCIETAL. This third facet encompasses values and ideology, philosophy, culture, and law and order.

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