Saturday, 27 August 2011

Notes for Week 5

(recreating place)

Creating a 'what if' scenario:
What is the world we imagine?
Tell the story of the hypothetical worl.
If the world was that way, what does it mean in terms of
          - government
          - infrastructure
          - architecture
How do we interpret it?
What happens in the society we imagine

WORLD - place, event, memory:
First you have a place (within the world)
An event happened, and the place changed (as human beings, how does this affect us?)
How do we rebuild to come back to the memory?
     The first thing that comes to mind is to recreate (remake) the idea, the memory, the place.
What if it was not firstly there, or what if it had not been destroyed? (interpreted differently)
How do we interpret in a way that is not physical? What would it then imply?
Memory, dream - hypothetical world/situation.

Society would remain the same, as would parliament - how could we rebuild it based on the same intentions as the original designer?
How does it need to be changed to accommodate the sorrow and grief of memory? Is it the right solution?

What if history was different? What would today look/feel like?

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